
Intellectual Property Legal Support

Areas of Practice


We will register your works of art, literary work, and any other form of expression that is copyrightable with the US Copyright Office for a flat fee of $100.


  • Trademark Search
    We will do a comprehensive national and international trademark search to determine whether your trademark is eligible for registration.  In determining eligibility, we investigate whether your mark is currently being used by other parties using various means.  We will provide an opinion as to what we believe the likely outcome will be if you decide to file an application for your trademark based on the search.  The flat fee for the search and opinion is $350.

  • Trademark Search & Registration
    We will register your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and respond to non-substantive office actions for a flat fee of $500 (attorney fee) and $325 per class of goods and services (government fee).

  • Trademark Prosecution
    If, after submitting a federal trademark application, the USPTO responds with a rejection that needs a substantive response which would require an attorney’s time and research, the charge is an hourly rate of $375.  An attorney will be able to estimate the amount of time involved in responding to the rejection when it is received.  


Let’s face it.  Getting an idea patented is daunting and expensive.  We do not want to waste our client’s time or money and try to determine whether your idea is patentable in the first place.  If after your own internet searches you have not come up with anything as original as your idea, please call us to discuss further searching.  Upon listening to your idea, we can investigate the patentability of your invention and issue a patent opinion letter.   We recommend this avenue as a way to save money in the total cost of procuring a patent for your idea. 


We will prepare a design patent to protect your products.  Our flat fee for a design patent is $1500 plus government fees.  Government fees vary based on the status of the filer and will be determined during the free consultation.